
For over 35 years, we have successfully represented
clients in the field of biotechnology and related disciplines. Initially,
our biotechnology practice focused on fermentation processes and the isolation
and utilization of enzymes particularly related to industrial applications
such as food technologies. Now, we are internationally recognized experts
in biotechnology, representing a diverse clientele ranging from start-ups
to worldwide Fortune 100 industrial and pharmaceutical companies. Furthermore,
we have enjoyed many years of experience working closely with Universities
and Institutional research organizations. We consider it a privilege to
foster the health of individuals through our collaborations with our biotechnology
Our biotechnology practice involves the solicitation
and enforcement of patents in the scientific disciplines of genetics,
molecular biology, microbiology, immunology biochemistry, and computational
biology. Over the years we have secured and defended patents relating
to recombinant technologies, expression systems, biological products,
therapeutics and diagnostics, cancer related technologies, bioassays,
gene therapy, vaccines and plant technology.
More recently, we have become involved in embryonic
stem cell technology, transgenic plants and animals, animal cloning, the
isolation of genes and the articulation of gene function, gene profiling,
genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
including the production of humanized antibodies, and the identification
of cytokines and associated growth factor receptors.
Historically, our firm has counseled clients in
respect to various commercial recombinant molecules such as GM-CSF, LIF,
IL-1_ and PDGF and a variety of commercialized expression systems including
the utilization of Pichia Pastoris worldwide for the production of biological
products. We have successfully defended the patent covering the ubiquitous
PSA test and recently addressed certain modifications to the Pichia expression
system for the production of humanized glycosylated proteins. As experts
in many disciplines, our research groups and attorneys have facilitated
the application of biotechnology to cross disciplines such as the emerging
field of nanotechnology.
Biotechnology Practice Group

Frank S. DiGiglio
Mark J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Peter I. Bernstein, M.S.
Xiaochun Zhu, Ph.D.
Richard L. Catania, M.S.
Edmund Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Fatih Mercan, Ph.D.
Michelle Liu, Ph.D.


Our knowledge in chemistry is one of the cornerstones
of our practice. We embrace a large chemical practice, securing and prosecuting
patents in every area of chemistry including, for example, organic, inorganic,
and chemical instrumentation. We also have experience in litigating chemical
patents as well as performing IP related studies and transactions for
chemical technologies.
Our experience in the chemical industry extends from
food technologies that include sweeteners, food products, bottling, canning
and processing equipment from well known consumer product companies, to
billion dollar industrial firms that have developed chemical products
such as, polymers, pharmaceuticals, pigments, fine chemicals, herbicides,
fabric care products, home care products, personal care products, building
products, catalysts, pesticides, diagnostic agents and nanoparticles.
In addition to our expertise in chemical products, we
also are proficient in the processes that lead to the fabrication of such
products. For example, in polymer technology, we have experience in polymerization
catalyst and co-catalyst fabrication, reactor design, the polymerization
itself, polymer testing and characterization, as well as polymer processing
and the use of the processed polymer in various products.
Additionally, we have experience in chemical instrumentation
that is used for manufacturing, testing and characterizing the various
chemical technologies mentioned above.
Chemistry Practice Group

Mark J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Frank S. DiGiglio
Peter I. Bernstein, M.S.
Edward W. Grolz
Richard L. Catania, M.S.
Edmund Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Drew Berweger
Michael W. Russell, Ph.D.
Leslie S. Szivos, Ph.D.
Michelle Liu, Ph.D.


Our Materials Science and Engineering Group has
vast technical expertise and experience in all aspects of metallic materials,
ceramics, polymers, composites, semiconductors, thin films, nanoparticles,
biomaterials, self-assembly structures as well as superconductors. Besides
the materials themselves, the Materials Science and Engineering Group
is proficient in the processes that are used to fabricate, manufacture
and apply the materials, and techniques that are used to characterize
the materials as well as products, structures and devices that contain
the same.
We handle all facets of patent procurement in materials
science technologies, and have extensive experience in preparing and prosecuting
patents in the semiconductor arts and related fields such as fabrication,
testing and metrology. We also have experience in litigating Materials
Science patents as well as performing IP related studies and transactions
for Materials Science technologies. Our Materials Science and Engineering
Group represents major industrial companies, small and medium enterprises,
university research departments and start-ups. We also represent Nobel
Laureate's who have prepared and isolated fullerenes, including C60, in
macroscopic amounts.
All of our Materials Science and Engineering Group members
have experience in cross-related arts such as chemical, biochemical and
electronics, which provides for the procurement of comprehensive patent
protection within this field.
Materials Science & Engineering Group

Leslie S. Szivos, Ph.D.
Paul J. Esatto, Jr.
Steven Fischman
Xiaochun Zhu, Ph.D.
Eunhee Park
Richard L. Catania, M.S.
Seth Weinfeld
Drew Berweger
Michael W. Russell, Ph.D.
Edmund Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Michelle Liu, Ph.D.
Steven R. Bartholomew


Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science evolve at blazing speed. Therefore continuous education with the
most updated materials and cutting edge discoveries is vital. Since our
inception, we have procured patents for some of the most respected companies
in the computer and aerospace industries, including patents for computers,
software, weapons and radar systems that are of prime national importance.
Our firm has obtained protection regarding semiconductor
technologies that include various wafer fabrication processes and device
structures in both gallium arsenide and silicon. Counseling for these
clients relies heavily on our experience in materials science, optics,
electronics and metallurgy. We have extensively protected innovations
in computer systems, including autonomic computing, as well as computer
hardware and circuitry from individual semiconductor memory storage devices
to whole computer memory organizations, and from embedded system and system-on-chip
integrated circuit designs to massively parallel computing systems.
Our experience has enabled us to secure patents in liquid
crystal display technologies- securing innovations relating to physical
aspects of individual LCD elements to data synchronization aspects of
display generation. We also handle microprocessors, 3D computer graphics,
operating systems, and ASIC designs from both an algorithm and architecture
We protect computer software with method and system
patents, copyrights and trade secret counseling. We provide full services
to clients involved in operating systems for visual display, image processing,
artificial intelligence, simulation, robotic systems, automated production
lines, and highly compact data indexing and display algorithms. We prepare
and prosecute patents relating to network (e.g., LAN, WAN) systems and
improvements in information and communications technologies, including
digital radio, wireless systems, security aspects such as cryptographical
cypher systems, improvements in I/O and data processing efficiencies,
and innovations to communications and packet routing protocols associated
with most wired and wireless communications technologies. Further to be
exploited is our extensive experience in securing patent protection for
optical electronics including SONET systems and bioinformatics-related
inventions that are currently re-shaping the research landscape in conventional
biotechnology and drug discovery.
Our experience also includes medical diagnostic imaging systems and computer software
applications such as traditional x-ray imaging systems, digital rotational
angiography systems, computed tomography (CT) systems, ultrasound imaging systems,
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS),
computer aided detection (CAD), and computer aided diagnostics (CADx) to support
medical diagnostic and interventional practices.
Electronics, E.E. / Computer Practice Group

Paul J. Esatto, Jr.
Steven Fischman
John S. Sensny
Thomas Spinelli
Eunhee Park
William Chung
Seth Weinfeld
Jason Poulos
Hesong Cao, M.S.
Stephen A. Young
Steven R. Bartholomew


It is safe to say the Internet has become a ubiquitous
part of both private life and business. Understanding the advantages and
identifying the potential pitfalls of using the Internet as a business
tool is vital in today's global market. There are complex issues surrounding
the Internet such as domain name selection and registration, operation
and maintenance of web sites, and personal jurisdiction problems. Conducting
business over the Internet involves unique legal questions in the areas
of trademarks, patents, copyrights, and unfair competition.
Patent protection has emerged as a primary tool in protecting
Internet and e-commerce patents. We have handled E-commerce patents related
to shopping cart models, auction techniques, secure payment techniques,
on-line surveys, promotions, gaming and advertising techniques, and financial
transactions such as loan processing. We have expertise in Internet- patents
encompassing Internet infrastructure, including directory techniques,
search engines, and communication techniques involving routing, data compression
and encryption.
In addition, our attorneys have prepared applications
and obtained patents in areas including obtaining on-line authorized services,
on-line auctions, securities trading, insurance, deferred compensation
plans, on-line surveys, electronic coupons, consumer incentive programs,
user interfaces, directory techniques and communication protocols.
Internet / E-Commerce Practice Group

John S. Sensny
Steven Fischman
Paul J. Esatto, Jr
Thomas Spinelli
Eunhee Park
Seth Weinfeld
Steven R. Bartholomew


With such a wide range of in-house technical expertise,
there is no area of the mechanical arts we cannot counsel secure and litigate.
Such areas include production machinery, packaging equipment, medical
instrumentation, optics, hangers, analyzation equipment and sports equipment.
Our experience includes handling matters involving equipment that ranges
from large industrial processing systems to the less complex oriented
mechanical devices. We have prepared and prosecuted patents in high tech
areas such as alternative power systems including hybrid electric vehicles
and fuel cells, low-tech areas such as hangers and baseball caps, and
many areas in-between.
Our firm also provides expertise in various advances
in the optical arts for hand-held bar code readers, laser scanners, holographic
pattern recognition systems, laser targeting, collision avoidance systems,
liquid crystal displays, microscopes and optical medical instrumentation.
In addition, we are experienced in mobile telecommunications equipment
including cellular phones and large scale antenna systems. When a mechanical
invention also relates to electrical, chemical, biotechnical, or computer
products or processes, firm attorneys with relevant expertise collaborate
to ensure that a client's protection is fully realized. Recent evidence
of this process rests in our development of an extensive patent protection
program on a new production line for an industry leader in disposable
contact lenses.
Our firm has coordinated an international program to
facilitate the international use of environmentally friendly packaging
technology directed to perform extrusion and blow molding processes for
soft drink bottles on behalf of one of the world's major soft drink companies.
Additionally, we are engaged in multinational projects for injection molding
processes and products, as well as cargo handling systems. Furthermore,
we represent a globally recognized company in preparing and prosecuting
endoscope products and related peripheral devices and accessories.
We continue to represent several globally recognized
domestic and foreign corporations that develop inventions in robotics,
appliances, weaponry, infrared microscopes, high-pressure liquid chromatography
devices and nuclear power plant technology.
Mechanical Arts Practice Group

John S. Sensny
Thomas Spinelli
Paul J. Esatto, Jr.
Eunhee Park
Richard L. Catania, M.S.
Steven Fischman
Seth Weinfeld
William Chung
Michael W. Russell, Ph.D.
Jason Poulos
Stephen A. Young
Hesong Cao, M.S.
Steven R. Bartholomew


One of the most exciting research areas and emerging
markets in the last 100 years and we are at the forefront of its development.
Comprised of members holding advanced degrees in science and engineering,
including PhD's in the fields of chemistry, material science and the life
sciences, our firm is uniquely qualified to serve our client's needs in
the emerging nanosciences.
Since 1990, we have written and prosecuted patent applications
worldwide relating to fullerenes and their use in various technologies,
including electronics and life sciences. The most notable of these are
the seminal patents relating to the discoveries of Drs. Huffman and Kratschmer,
known to be among the first scientists who prepared and isolated fullerenes,
including C60, in macroscopic amounts. We have also prepared and prosecuted
patent applications directed to nanotubes, quantum dots, and various nanoparticles,
and in related technologies including atomic force probes, SEMs, MEMS
and, other small scale semiconductor and optical device technologies.
We are a strategic business advisor to academic and
business leaders in nanotech industries and are actively engaged in formulating
patent strategies for many private and public companies in those industries.
To better advise clients, we have created a multi-disciplined nanotechnology
practice group including members drawn from our firm's traditional practice
areas. This group has valuable insight into the influence of intellectual
property in emerging nanotech markets. Our long history with nanotechnology
allows us to integrate information from a variety of sources in a manner
designed to provide more informative counseling and useful advise for
entrepreneurs, laboratories, the buy-side community, and major corporations.
Nanotechnology Practice Group

Steven Fischman
Frank S. DiGiglio
Paul J. Esatto, Jr.
John S. Sensny
Mark J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Xiaochun Zhu, Ph.D.
Eunhee Park
Drew Berweger
Michael W. Russell, Ph.D.
Michelle Liu, Ph.D.
Jason Poulos
Leslie S. Szivos, Ph.D.
Edmund Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Steven R. Bartholomew


Every year, billions of dollars are spent in the
development and sale of pharmaceuticals. That's a lot of money and with
that money comes the need for legal security. Since the first days of
our firm, we have been a leader in securing pharmaceutical intellectual
property and we recognize that strong patent protection for pharmaceuticals
drives medical progress by providing economic incentives for innovation.
The pharmaceutical practice of our firm has grown in
size and scope and provides patent portfolio advice, due diligence, opinions,
and patent prosecution for both brand and generic industries, as well
as universities and research institutes. Additionally, we have handled
inter partes proceedings for our pharmaceutical clients, including litigation,
interferences and oppositions in foreign patent offices. We are also experienced
in the areas of cosmetics, nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals.
Our attorneys have expertise in Food, Drug and Cosmetic
Law, particularly Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) Paragraph IV
opinions, and evaluating pharmaceutical patents, vis-a-vis scope, infringement
and validity. In addition, we counsel clients on patent and FDA patent
extension strategies.
Many of our attorneys hold doctorate degrees and apply
their unique understanding of science and the law in preparing and prosecuting
patent applications relating to numerous drug delivery technologies, including
oral controlled release in the area of biodegradable particulate delivery
systems including microspheres, polymer coating, matrix, and pellet systems,
needleless syringes, and transdermal drug delivery systems.
Pharmaceuticals Practice Group

Mark J. Cohen, Ph.D.
Peter I. Bernstein, M.S.
Frank S. DiGiglio
Edward W. Grolz
Xiaochun Zhu, Ph.D.
Richard L. Catania, M.S.
Drew Berweger
Leslie S. Szivos, Ph.D.
Edmund Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Fatih Mercan, Ph.D.
Michelle Liu, Ph.D.
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