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Summer is here and so is the Summer-edition of the Alcott Advisor. With the warm weather, most companies experience a change in the workplace environment. For some, things will slow down a bit and it's a good time to work on projects that couldn't be completed during the busier seasons. For others, the workplace becomes more stressful. Some examples are:
  • Vacations - those away and those covering.
  • Working parents dealing with alternative day care arrangements.
  • Employees looking for a more casual and comfortable dress code.
  • New, temporary additions to the workforce - summer hires, interns.
Whatever your situation, remember that your employees will likely shift into a different gear - higher or lower. Planning for this and communicating expectations to your employees will help maintain productivity.


As always, we welcome you questions and feedback. You can contact us at and we'll be happy to reply - confidentially of course.


Alcott Group President Louis Basso Receives Small-Business
Champion Award from NFIB

Recently, Louis Basso, President of the Alcott Group (Farmingdale, NY) received the Small-Business Champion award from the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). The NFIB Small-Business Champion award program identifies a small-business activist in each of the 50 states. These small-business owners have distinguished themselves through their involvement and participation in NFIB programs and activities that promote the issues important to Main Street.

Mr. Basso had been an active member of the NFIB for a number of years. In 2000, he was named “Small Business Advocate of the Year” by the NFIB and The Business Council of New York State. In 2003, he was named Chairman of the NFIB/New York Leadership Council.

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How the NFIB Helps Small Business

While the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) is the largest advocacy organization representing small and independently-owned businesses in Washington, D.C. and all 50 state capitals, many smaller companies do not know of it or the many ways it helps them. NFIB’s mission is to impact public policy at the state and federal level and serve as a valuable resource for small and independent businesses. Among the issues the NFIB has taken up is tax reform (in particular, a simplification of the tax code for small businesses), income tax relief, making increased expensing limits permanent, and elimination of the death tax. Other areas in which the NFIB has advocated on behalf of small, independent businesses are the curbing of frivolous lawsuits and related capping of damages in medical liability suits, as well as easing the burden of excessive regulation and intrusive laws affecting small businesses.

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How Much is Your Business Worth?

For small business owners who have invested heavily in their companies, both from a financial and sweat equity standpoint, determining the value of their businesses can be daunting. In fact, business valuations are a complex process which entails a wide range of multiples, formulas and industry-weighted factors.

Executives who are in the process of selling their companies should rely on the expertise of an experienced and credentialled valuation professional. One designation that should be sought in a valuation professional is that of Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), which indicates that the individual, often an accountant, has trained and met the criteria of the National Association of Certified Valuation Analysts. Another key designation, conveying a strong skill set in, and knowledge of business valuations is that of Certified Business Appraiser (CBA) provided by the Institute of Business Appraisers.

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Avoid Discriminatory Practices When Hiring

Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, all businesses must avoid discriminating against any protected class in the course of their employee hiring, firing, promoting, disciplinary actions and day-to-day interactions. While many executives are familiar with how not to discriminate against their current employees, some inadvertently use illegal practices in the hiring process.

For instance, it is unlawful when conducting a job search to make an employment decision based on stereotypes or assumptions about the abilities, traits or performance of individuals of a certain sex, race, age, religion, or ethnic group -- as well as individuals with disabilities. It is also illegal to deny employment to a person because of marriage to, or association with, an individual of a particular race, religion, national origin or with a disability.

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Establishing Company Values through Policies and Procedures

With the numerous corporate scandals and ethics violations, it is imperative for companies to clearly outline their business ethics and institute policies and procedures to uphold its values.

Clear cut company values and ethics set the stage for the way a business conducts itself, the type of employees it attracts, and the reputation/image it conveys. By establishing an ethics and code of conduct program, a company can communicate its values and standards of ethical business, and it starts by communicating those values to its employees.

Start by informing staff of company policies and procedures regarding ethical business conduct.

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Client Spotlight - Allboxes Direct

As a total resource for high quality moving and storage products, AllBoxes Direct ( knows the importance of outsourcing. The company, which is recognized among the nation’s leaders and innovators of e-commerce for moving and storage solutions, is outsourcing its warehouse shipping function and Human Resources. The latter was prompted by a corporate transition, according to AllBoxes President and CEO Mitch Weinreb.

“AllBoxes was a division of Wrap-N-Pack in the mid-90s,” stated Mr. Weinreb. “However, in 2000, we decided to separate the companies, which left a void in HR management for AllBoxes. Previously, that function was handled by a Wrap-N-Pack, which had a dedicated HR executive to handle matters relating to its 75 employees.”

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Out and About -
Networking on Long Island:

June 21, 2005
Hauppauge Industrial Association - Seminar
What Really Causes Breakthroughs in Organizations?
Sheraton Smithtown
8:00am - 10:00am
HIA June 21st Event

June 22, 2005
Hauppauge Industrial Association - Executive Breakfast
The Hauppauge Industrial Park - Past, Present & Future
Sheraton Smithtown
8:00am - 10:00am
HIA June 22nd Event

June 22, 2005
Long Island Association
Breakfast & Networking by the Ocean
Gurney's Inn, Montauk, NY
9:00am - 11:00am
LIA June 22nd Event

June 23, 2005
Long Island Forum for Technology (LIFT)
Voice Over IP - What's in it for you?
Huntington Hilton, Melville, NY
7:30am - 10:00am
LIFT June 23rd Event

June 24, 2005
Hauppauge Industrial Association
"Gone Fishin" - Fishing Trip
Dixie II - Captree, NY
3:00pm - 7:00pm
HIA June 24th Event

June 28, 2005
Long Island Association
LIA Neighbors at Martha Clara Vineyards
Sound Ave., Riverhead, NY
9:00am - 11:00am
LIA June 28th Event

July 12, 2005
Hauppauge Industrial Association - Business Luncheon
LICVB's New Focus & Direction in Growing Tourism on Long Island
Sheraton Smithtown
11:00am - 1:30pm
HIA July 12th Event

Is a PEO Right for You?
Take Alcott's SELF EVALUATION to learn if your company is a candidate for HR Outsourcing.

Complimentary HR Strategy Evaluation:
Is your HR shop in order? Do you have a focused HR strategy or is it something you just can't seem to get to? Alcott's on-site evaluation will help you create an actionable plan for addressing one of your most critical business processes. Click here to learn more.

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