The USGBC-LI Holiday Party was a Huge Success |
If you missed the Dec 6th Holiday Party, it's unfortunate. It was a huge success. Registrations maxed-out and the room  was buzzing for hours. It was great to catch up with the happenings of old friends and meet new ones. Thanks yous were extended to all the Committees for their hard work during the year. And new Board members were introduced to the audience. Everyone was optimistic that 2012 will be as productive and fruitful as 2011 was. Of course, the food, drink and conversations were excellent as well. |
Committee Meeting Schedule
Check here for a list of Committee meeting dates. Click on the Committee to send an e-mail or click on the date for more information. -- Green Technology: 5:30 PM Wed Dec 21st (3rd Wed) -- Green Schools: 5:30 PM Tues Jan 10th (2nd Tues) -- Communications: 3:00 PM Thurs Jan 12 (2nd Thurs) -- Green Incentives: 5:30 PM Tues Jan TBD -- Healthcare: 8:00 AM Thurs Jan TBD (First Thurs) -- Advocacy: 4:00 PM Mon Jan TBD -- Emerging Profs: 5:30 PM Mon Jan TBD -- Programs: 5;30 PM Mon Jan TBD (1st Monday) -- Residential Green: 6:00 PM Wed Jan TBD (2nd Wed) -- Resource Develop: 4:00 PM Tues Jan TBD (4th Tues) -- Sustain Cocktails: 5:30 PM Tues Jan TBD (4th Tues) (back to top)
Green Building News |
Seatle's Bullitt Center to be Greenest Commercial Structure in the World One of the most highly anticipated development projects in the Pacific Northwest is still little more than a grid of concrete and rebar at the edge of the Capitol Hill neighborhood here. When completed near the end of next year, though, the six-story office building may be the greenest commercial structure in the world.
The building, the $30 million Bullitt Center at 1501 East Madison Street, is expected to set a new precedent for environmentally friendly design and construction and in doing so would reinforce Seattle's reputation as a global leader in sustainable development.
As the future home of the environmentally focused Bullitt Foundation and other like-minded tenants, the Bullitt Center is designed to produce as much electricity as it uses, making it both energy- and carbon-neutral. The building will supply and treat all of its own water, capturing rainwater in a 50,000-gallon underground cistern.
Long Island Homes Featured on National Solar Tour Solar-powered and green homes will be open to the public for free visits on Saturday, October 1st from 10 AM to 4 PM as part of the National Solar Tour & Green Buildings Open House on Long Island. Tour visitors can learn about solar and other forms of clean energy and energy efficiency directly from people in their community, watch electric meters run backwards, and see the actual savings on utility bills. Tour locations are all over the island from Hempstead to the Hamptons.
These island-wide open houses showcase solar electricity or other green building features such as energy efficiency upgrades, geothermal heat, solar water heating, and even electric cars. The National Solar Tour & Green Buildings Open House is organized on Long Island by the non-profit Renewable Energy Long Island (reLI) and by the American Solar Energy Society at the national level. More than 160,000 participants are expected to visit some 5,500 buildings in 3,200 communities across the U.S.
Click here to READ MORE > >
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Green Industry Events |
Below is a list of selected Green Industry Events. Jan 06 -- IFMA Holiday Party Jan 21 -- ASHRAE Winter Meeting Jan TBD -- BOMA TBD Jan TBD -- AFE Monthly Meeting Feb 29 -- CIBS Annual Gala
Long Island LEED Projects Listed |
The following Long Island projects have been LEED Certified:
- Wild By Nature
- Leviton Manufacturing
- Watermill Ateliers
- Brookhaven National Lab
- Tanger Outlet Mall
- Adelphi Univ Sports Center
- Westhampton Free Library
- Hampton Bays School
- Stop & Shop
- Westhampton Vill Hall
- 1001 Franklyn Ave
- Space Storage Center
- Forchelli Law Firm
- Amityville Village Hall
| Click here for MORE INFORMATION.
Resource Development
The mission of the Resource Development Committee is to raise funds through individual and corporate donations. These funds are used to support green building initiatives on Long Island through education, programs and events, as well as community outreach and advocacy efforts.
Please support the USGBC Long Island Chapter and help make Long Island a greener place to live and work. (back to top)
Want to Get More Involved? Join a Committee or Become a Sponsor
Most committees are looking for members to help spread the word about green building to Long Island. It's a great way to network and help create a greener future for the next generation. Put in as much or as little time as you want. No special skills are required. Just jump right in.
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