
From The Editor
Sustainable Cocktails
Sustainable______ Cocktails East
2011 Gala
USGBC-LI in the News
Add a Specialty to__ Your LEED AP
Green Industry Events
Committee_______ Meeting Dates
Long Island LEED___ Projects Listed
Resource________ Development
Join a Committee or Become a Sponsor
The purpose of the Long Island Chapter of the US Green Building Council is to mirror and advance the core purpose of the US Green Building Council locally; to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.

The USGBC-LI is committed to working with our fellow Long Islanders to improve our quality of life by improving the quality of the structures we build and the environment in which we all live, work and play.  We are committed to leaving the world a little better than we found it so that future generations have an unfettered opportunity to do the same.

From The Editor

Mark your calendar and be sure to attend the Jun 28th Sustainable Cocktails and Jun 30th Sustainable Cocktails East events.  And don't forget to check out USGBC-LI In-The-News, the Committee meetings and Industry Events schedules below.

Click here to e-mail me with your comments. 
Click here  to check out the e-Newsletter archive.
Click here  to check out the Media Coverage archive.

Check us out on  Find us on Facebook    Visit our blog    Follow us on Twitter

See you soon.  David C Pinkowitz
                     Chair, Communications Committee
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Published 6/22/11
Jun 28 - Sustainable Cocktails 
This event is still free to members
(a great reason to join the chapter). It's an open networking meeting for members and professionals to share ideas with USGBC-LI Board Members, Committee Chairs, and other chapter members. And you can learn more about the positive impacts of Building Green on Long Island.

Come learn more about the chapter and how to get involved in its committees and
educational programs.

Tues Jun 28, 2011
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

(The Oak Room
Bethpage State Park 
99 Quaker Meeting House Road 
Farmingdale, NY 11735 

 Click here to REGISTER and for MORE INFORMATION.



Jun 30 - Sustainable Cocktails East

USGBC-EE Event 110630

 Click here to REGISTER and for MORE INFORMATION.


2011 Gala


  Gala 2011-2  

(L to R front: Meyer, Schwartz, Kessel, Hashagen, Kulka)
    (L to R rear: Gianchetta, Rosen, Holesek, Capogna)


Click here to see ENLARGED IMAGE 

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USGBC-LI in the News
Gianchetta News 12 Long Island recently ran a Go Green story on the LEED characteristics of a Habitat for Humanity home in Mineola.  USGBC-LI Chairman Mike Gianchetta was interviewed. 

 Click here to VIEW the VIDEO

News 12 Long Island recently ran a Go Green story Rosen on the LEED characteristics of the new Katz Institute for Women's Health at the North Shore / Long Island Jewish Health System.  USGBC-LI Board member Neil Rosen gave a tour and was interviewed. 

Click here to VIEW the VIDEO

Add a Specialty to Your LEED AP
(for FREE)


Time is running out for legacy LEED APs to take advantage  

of the opportunity to add a specialty to their green building GBCI Logocredential for FREE.  Enrollment is a free, voluntary, one-time process through which LEED APs without specialty can either test or complete prescriptive credential maintenance to the LEED AP with specialty. The staggered enrollment windows begin closing in August.  


Click here for MORE INFORMATION  

                on prescriptive CMP requirements and options.


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Green Industry Events
Below is a list of selected Green Industry Events.    

Jun 23  -- AFE annual Golf Outing   
July 13 -- CIBS  Real Estate Movers and Shakers
July 14  -- IFMA monthly meeting (Summer Blast)
Jun 25 -- ASHRAE Annual Conference
Jun 29  -- BOMA monthly meeting (Summer Party)

Committee Meeting Schedule

Check here for a list of Committee meeting dates.  Click on the Committee to send an e-mail or click on the date for more information.

  -- Residential Green:   6:00 PM Tues Jun 28th
  -- Resource Develop4:00 PM Tues Jun 28th (4th Tues)
  -- Sustain Cocktails:   5:30 PM Tues Jun 28th (4th Tues)
  -- Emerging Profs:      5:30 PM Wed Jun TBD 
  -- Healthcare:           8:00 AM Thurs July 7th (First Thurs)
  -- Programs:              5;30 PM Mon July 11th (1st Monday)
  -- Advocacy:            4:00 PM Mon July 11th (2nd Mon)
  -- Green Incentives:   5:30 PM Tues July 12th
  -- Green Schools:      5:30 PM Tues July 12th (2nd Tues)
  -- Communications:    3:00 PM Thurs July 14th (2nd Thurs)
  -- Green Technology5:30 PM Wed July 20th 

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Long Island LEED Projects Listed
The following Long Island projects have been
LEED Certified:
  • Wild By Nature
  • Leviton Manufacturing
  • Watermill Ateliers
  • Brookhaven National Lab 
  • Tanger Outlet Mall
  • Adelphi Univ Sports Center
  • Westhampton Free Library
  • Hampton Bays School
  • Stop & Shop
  • Westhampton Vill Hall
  • 1001 Franklyn Ave
  • Space Storage Center
  • Forchelli Law Firm
  • Amityville Village Hall
Click here for MORE INFORMATION.

Resource Development

The mission of the Resource Development Committee is to raise funds through individual and corporate donations.  These funds are used to USGBC-LI Logo support green building initiatives on Long Island through education, programs and events, as well as community outreach and advocacy efforts.

Please support the USGBC Long Island Chapter and help make Long Island a greener place to live and work.   



Click here to make a TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATION

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Want to Get More Involved?
Join a Committee or Become a Sponsor

Most committees are looking for members to help spread the word about green building to Long Island. It's a great way to network and help create a greener future for the next generation. Put in as much or as little time as you want. No special skills are required. Just jump right in.
Visit the committee page and contact one of the Committee Chairs to get more information. 


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