
David Pinkowitz
Newsletter Editor
Welcome to the December issue of the Tri CYA Newsletter. We are working hard
to keep you informed of the MANY activities and programs that
are available to you.
Below you can read Debbie's Tri CYA Message and learn about Project TOY,
Halloween Party, Employee Spotlight, Salsa Night, Cooking 101
and Tutoring.
For more information, or to send us your comments,
contact Director Debbie Rimler at
631-673-0614 or info@tricya.org
To check out previous Tri CYA Newsletters,
click October 2023 Newsletter
click August 2023 Newsletter
click June 2023 Newsletter
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Table of Contents
-- Director's Message
-- Project TOY
-- Community Halloween Party
-- Employee Spotlight
-- Salsa Night
-- Cooking 101
-- Math, Science and History Tutoring
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Director's Message

By Debbie Rimler
This has been a busy time of year for Tri CYA youth and families and staff.
Thanks to the generosity of H2M, on November 21 we hosted a thanksgiving dinner for 100 youth and families.
Thanks to the generous donations from Kids For Courage, 100 youth and families received a full bag of groceries and a 25 dollar gift card to a local supermarket.
Thanks to Andre Sorrentino's generosity, another 100 families received turkeys with everything needed for a feast -- even down to the turkey pan.
Thanks to Rotary for bringing a festive Moes lunch to Drop In on November 30. The students loved this special treat.
Tri CYA hosted the Town of Huntington African American Task Force listening session on November 29th.
Tri CYA is gearing up for Project TOY which will begin December 18th.
In December, Tri CYA youth have enjoyed participating in "Shop with a Cop" at the Walt Whitman Mall.
Jack and Jill will be starting a Health and Wellness series one Monday each month.
The first one is December 11 from 6:30 -7:30 PM.
Future dates are 1/8, 2/12, 3/11, 4/8 and 5/13. These sessions will commence with a Wellness Fair on 5/18.
Tri CYA and CAST are hosting a Wellness and Healthy Living Forum on Thursday December 14,2023 form 5:45 - 7:45 PM.
A healthy dinner will be served, speakers will discuss topics such as Mental Health, Diabetes, Hypertension,
and personal training. Health First will also distribute important information.
Tri CYA will be having our holiday parties for the teens and Drop In youth.
All of the above have happened while also providing Drop In, homework help, mentorship groups, 3 cooking classes, emergency food pantry, open recreation and more!
Tri CYA will be closed Dec 25, Dec 26 and January 1.
It is a busy and wonderful time for all of us at the Tri CYA.
Thanks to all of you reading this for all your support.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and restful holiday time.
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Project TOY
by Debbie Rimler

Project TOY is a very special program that gives parents the opportunity to receive
2 new unwrapped gifts for each of their children. We want to make this year's Project TOY
a very special one for our neighbors in need and we need your help.
Please donate new unwrapped toys and gift cards for children between ages birth throught 16 years-old.
We will also accept financial donations and new wrapping paper.
You can also purchase a gift from our Amazon Wish List at https://vqr.vc/WU4CJxhRd
Please send all donations to Tri CYA before Dec 15th, since parents will begin their holiday shopping on Dec 19.
If you have any questions, call Debbie at 631-673-0614. Thanks much.
Click here to see LAST YEAR'S PHOTO ALBUM
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Community Halloween Party
by Lillian Sovulj

Tri CYA had a blast at the Community Halloween Party on Oct 27!! A big thank you to everyone who helped to make this
all possible and to all those that came to celebrate with us!
The community danced to music, dressed in costumes, made slime,
painted pumpkins, and ate some yummy treats!! A safe and Happy Halloween was had by all!
Click here to see the PHOTO ALBUM
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Employee Spotlight
Lillian Sovulj

Lillian has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queens College in Home Economics and Education. She also has a degree from The
French Culinary Institute. She worked in the New York City Public Schools as a teacher of home economics for 30 years.
Lillian also worked at the center for family support in Westbury helping individuals with traumatic brain injury
live as independently as possible.
Lillian came to work at Tri Community and Youth agency (Tri CYA) in 2008. She was first hired for project NEW (nutrition
empowers wellness worker). This grant helped new arrivals and Spanish speaking families acclimate and find out
about services and resources to assist them. Lillian started work in the CAST program after the NEW grant ended
but continued to do both jobs and teach international cooking to Tri CYA students. The class runs 2 times-a-week year-round.
Lillian works as a youth and family advocate assisting at-risk youth and their families. She helps students
stay in school, find employment, go to court, go to all school meeting, doctors' appointments and helps families
with translation, all referrals medical, social, benefits, employment and anything that helps families improve
their quality of life. The CAST program is a gang prevention program.
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Salsa Night
by Martine MacDonald

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, Tri CYA hosted a Salsa Dancing Night with Hispanic food, dancing and music!
A great time was had by all!
Salsa is a Latin dance first popularized in the United States in the 1960s in New York City.
It is a mixture of Cuban dances -- such as mambo, pachanga, and rumba, as well as American dances such as Swing and Tap.
Click here to see the PHOTO ALBUM >>
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Cooking 101
by Martine MacDonald

Cooking 101 was delivered to C.A.S.T and Tri CYA youth! They learned how to make delicious pasta
and enjoyed eating their new creations!
They also enjoyed learning how to make salads and hamburgers -- and enjoyed eating these too.
Learning, cooking and eating are a great combination!
Click here to see the PHOTO ALBUM >>
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Math, Science and History Tutoring
by Malcolm Eugene and Antoine Swain

Science, History and Study Skills Tutoring is avaialbe at Tri CYA every Wednesday between
6:00 PM and 7:30 PM. The sessions are taught by Malcolm Eugene, a Special Education Teacher
at Huntington High School.
Math Tutoring is avaialbe at Tri CYA every Tuesday between
6:30 PM and 8:30 PM. The sessions are taught by Antoine Swain, Tri CYA Youth Worker
and Math Helper.
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