
David Pinkowitz
Newsletter Editor
Welcome to the August issue of the Tri CYA Newsletter. We are working hard
to keep you informed of the MANY activities and programs that
are available to you.
Below you can read Debbie's Tri CYA Message and short articles about
Drop In Program, Basketball and Golf, Shaahquan Rogers, Juneteenth Celebration,
and Joseph Martone Scholarship.
For more information, or to send us your comments,
contact Director Debbie Rimler at 631-673-0614 or info@tricya.org
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click June 2023 Newsletter
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Table of Contents
-- Director's Message
-- Tri CYA Drop In Program
-- Tri CYA Basketball and Golf
-- Employee Spotlight
-- Juneteenth Celebration
-- Joseph Martone Scholarship
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Director's Message

By Debbie Rimler
Tri Community and Youth Agency (Tri CYA) welcomes our new members of the Board of Directors:
-- Heather Simek (Manager at First Central Bank)
-- Rosa Callegati (Manager at TD Bank)
-- Oscar Romeno (CPA)
Tri CYA Summer 2023 has been amazing so far. Programs include: golf, basketball indoors at The Suffolk Y JCC,
soccer, gratitude, cooking, braiding, bracelet making, drama, comic book making, drug and alcohol prevention, story
time, planned parenthood (teens), art, four square, movies, drop in, reading, lunch and snack, food pantry and donation
The trips are also amazing and the youth have been enjoying them. There are 32 free trips for youth. Each week,
Tri CYA youth enjoy Dix Hills Pool and Robert Moses Beach. Other trips include: The Museum of Natural History, The
Brooklyn Museum and Botanical Gardens, The Empire State Building, Fishing, Adventureland, The Bronx Zoo, Urban Air,
Paintball, Canoeing, Mini golf, United Skates, Summer Youth Connections, Jones Beach WildPlay, and Splish Splash.
Lunches are served every day. They include sandwiches, pasta and Chick-fil-A. We also have pizza Fridays
and -- for the next 5 Thursdays -- Taco Thursdays.
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Tri CYA Drop In Program
by Debbie Rimler

The Drop In Program is a staple of Tri Community and Youth Agency (Tri CYA) programs.
Drop In is exactly what it sounds like -- youth aged 5 to 21 can drop in and hang out in a supervised environment. They can play board games,
arts and crafts, chess, checkers, video games, use computers, watch movies, play four square, listen to music and socialize with others.
The Drop In room is supervised by Tri CYA employees. These workers have a bachelor's degree in social work, human services, education, sociology,
psychology, and/or a related field. Tri CYA also employs para-professionals and summer youth employment workers.
During the summer the Drop In Program operates Monday thru Saturday 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
During the school year the Drop In Program operates Monday thru Friday 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM and Saturdays 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Once you drop in to Tri CYA, workers give students and parents a permission slip so the youth can return.
Drop In is the gateway to many of Tri CYA programs and is a non-threatening way for youth to access the center and many other programs.
Tri CYA also offers cooking, open gym, soccer, basketball, comic book making, reading, summer reading, library story time, special presentations,
mentorship programs, boys groups, girls groups, natural helpers, school and community outreach and programs.
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Tri CYA Basketball and Golf
by Antoine Swaine

Tri CYA has launched 2 new sports programs this summer -- basketball and golf.
Suffolk Y JCC (SYJCC) in Commack has partnered with Tri CYA and is providing a gym
with 6 basketball hoops on a weekly basis. The program has attracted more than 30 registrants -- who will
get to play basketball at the JCC 10 at a time. The program kicked off on July 10
with the first group of boys and girls. A great time was had by all. Police
Officers from the 2nd Precinct will join the basketball games, as their schedules permit.
On July 10 an ambitious group of boys kicked off the new Tri CYA golf program at the
Heartland Driving Range in Deer Park. Most of them are newbies and they started
learning how to hit with a sand wedge. It's not an easy sport to learn, but
the group did very well and enjoyed the experience very much
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Employee Spotlight
Shaahquan Rogers

Shaahquan Rogers is a young man driven by his passion for helping, building, and motivating those around him.
From birth, he was surrounded by a family that showed unconditional care, empathy, and compassion for others.
Growing up one of five with a single mother, Shaahquan saw that it takes a village to raise a child.
The support from his family, being involved in youth centers, athletics and community service programs helped mold
him to be the man he is today.
At nine years old Shaahquan was told he would be fully blind by the age of seventeen. At the age of eleven he lost
his grandfather who was his main father figure. At sixteen, Shaahquan had his first child. All of these obstacles
weighed heavily, but never broke his spirit.
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Juneteenth Celebration
by David Pinkowitz

On June 17, 2023, a Juneteenth Celebration of Freedom was held at Heckscher Park in Huntington.
The Town of Huntington, the Juneteenth Committee, dozens of sponsors and exhibitors and hundreds
of attendees enjoyed the lengthy program and the experience in the park.
June 19 is the official date of the celebration of Juneteenth in the U.S. -- the day in 1865 that 250,000 slaves were
freed in Texas. This date was 2.5 years after the Jan 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation for all slaves in America.
The Juneteenth program inlcuded dignitaries welcome, pledge and anthem, many speakers, musical perfromances, scholarships,
give-aways, food, raffles, games and many cultural exhibits. We all enjoyed the event and are looking forward
to attending again next year.
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Joseph Martone Memorial Scholarship
by Huntington Union Free School District
Huntington High School Class of 2023 member Ibukunoluwa Olabomi has garnered the Tri-Community & Youth Agency’s
(Tri CYA) Joseph Martone Memorial Scholarship award, which carries a $500 stipend.
Mr. Olabomi plans to study at St. John Fisher University in Upstate Pittsford, outside of Rochester. He extensively
participated in the high school music program, including the Blue Devil marching band, as well as the athletic program
with the wrestling and track teams and in the extracurricular club program. Yet he still found time to tutor and mentor
students at Tri-CYA as a volunteer.
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