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    •  President's Message
    •  Book Review
    •  Nov 28th Meeting
    •  Good and Welfare
    •  Hurricane Sandy
    •  Save-the-Dates

President's Message

President Greenspan Welcomes You:

At this time of year, I take a moment to say thanks. Thanks are always due to my Executive Committee, to our Board of Directors, and to our membership in general, for making ours a great organization. And thanks are always appropriate to our CLE providers, to our sponsors, to Bonnie Nohs, and to the Carltun and its staff, in allowing us to provide quality programs to our members.

But this year is different. Superstorm Sandy provides a backdrop for myself and, I believe, all in our organization, to say thanks that we've not heard of any of us having suffered personal harm, from Sandy or the snow storm that followed quickly on its heels. Certainly, most of us were in the cold and dark for more than we wanted, and many of us had damage to our homes and other properly that has and will cost us time, effort and money to resolve. But we must give thanks, for this being all we've suffered. Everyone has heard of much worse.

Now the time for rebuilding is upon us - both individually and as members of our communities. I call upon each of us to seek ways in which to help rebuild. This can be in the form of pro bono representation of victims, in giving money to local and national charities, in lending a sympathetic ear to another. Be creative. Some say "No good deed goes unpunished." I say "No good deed is accomplished without giving something of ourselves." lt is a time for good deeds; please reach-out to those in need.

I say "Thanks."

See you on Nov 28th. --   Chet Greenspan.

P.S. -- And don't forget, our Holiday Party is December 12th!

Nov 28th Meeting

Join us at our November 28th meeting which will be a comprehensive presentation on mediation with a 2 credit CLE offered. It will be presented by mediator and arbitrator Kenneth Grundstein of National Arbitration and Mediation. Members CLE cost with dinner is $80.00 and a large turnout is expected, so sign up early and bring a guest!

Hurricane Sandy

Hurricane Sandy left our County, our members and our clients in a disastrous situation. Even today we are digging out and muddling through. Our sincere best wishes to our families who are suffering under the stress and devastation of "Sandy." We applaud all who participated in the relief effort; our role in that effort will be discussed at the Board meeting on Nov. 28th.

Book Review

Book Review: "The Oath: The Obama White House and the Supreme Court" by Jeffrey Toobin. Any book that starts "Does anyone there think he's not the president?" piqued my interest. President Obama's first oath of office was mis-spoken by Chief Justice John Roberts and the history and fun goes on from that point and throughout. I highly recommend this book and I have a copy to lend to any member who might be interested. Please tet me know if you have any books to recommend and lend as well. -- Bob Greco

Good and Welfare

Congratulations to Lauren Levine for her blessed Bat Mitzvah on Nov 10th.

Congratulations on the marriage of Clarice Jacobson.

We mourn the passing of and honor the life of Morton Cernitz.


Nov 28, 2012: CLE: Alternative Dispute Resolution
Dec 12, 2012: Holiday Party
Jan 23, 2013: CLE on Evidence
Feb 18, 2013: Comedy Night
Mar 20, 2013: Wine Tasting
Apr 24, 2013: CLE (TBD)
May 23, 2013: Installation Dinner-Dance
Jun 20, 2013: BBQ

November 2012

The Gavel Archive

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