The Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force (HABTF) is a non-partisan group formed by the Town
of Huntington in conjunction with the Suffolk County Anti-Bias Task Force. It is made
up of concerned clergy, community representatives and lay persons who work together to
address the issue of intolerance, prejudice, discrimination and racism in any segment
of our Town.
We've been holding public monthly since January 2019 and have accomplished quite a lot.
Upcoming meetings are 1 PM Wed Sept 28 and Oct 20 (4th Wed).
For more information about HABTF, click
Send suspected bias incidents to:
Town of Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force
Department of Human Services (Room 203)
Attn: Carmen Kasper, Director
423 Park Ave, Huntington, NY 11743
Also contact SCPD Hate Crimes Unit at 631-852-6323
Click here to read HABTF July 2022 Newsletter
Click here to read HABTF May 2022 Newsletter
Table of Contents
-- 2nd Precinct SCPD Report
-- We All Must Fight Against Antisemitism
-- 2022 Huntington Anti-Bias Concert
-- Sept 17 Huntington Unity Fun Day
-- New HABTF Flyer
-- August 2022 HABTF Meeting Summary
-- Town of Huntington News
2nd Precinct SCPD Report
By Inspector William Scrima
Since the last newsletter, there were 4 significant incidents in the Second Precinct that were
reported to have elements of bias:
- On 7/10/22 at Temple Chaverim, a letter was sent containing a racial element.
There were no threats made, and no crime was committed.
- On 7/20/22 threatening emails were sent to several local Jewish centers. It is being handled
as a Harassment 2nd degree and Aggravated Harassment 2nd degree, and is being investigated
by 2nd Precinct Crime Section.
- On 8/2/22 at Sunshine Acres Park in Commack, a racial slur was carved into a children's slide.
Hate Crimes is investigating.
- On 8/16/22 at Family Service League in Huntington, a threat, including a racial slur, was made
against a person. It is being handled as a Harassment 2nd degree and is being investigated
by 2nd Precinct Crime Section.
Click here to check out 2nd Precinct News on Twitter
Click here for the 2nd Precinct Community Meeting Schedule
For more information, please visit the 2nd Precinct department Website at www.suffolkpd.org.
We All Must Fight Against Antisemitism
by Eric Post of AJC
The Jewish community has been unnerved by a new wave of antisemitic incidents across Long Island. Under the
cover of night, antisemitic flyers that have been distributed in several cities across the country also have
appeared in Freeport, Long Beach, Oceanside and Rockville Centre. Antisemitic graffiti has brazenly defaced
a sign outside Hempstead's Town Hall and an ex-Marine was arrested in Hawaii for, among other charges, training
with a neo-Nazi group in Suffolk County to attack a synagogue.
Antisemitism is the world's oldest hatred. Many conspiracy theories and antisemitic tropes on the flyers that
were distributed could have been written 2,000 years ago. "Jews have too much power," "Jews control the media
and politics," and on and on. These ideas led to organized massacres and expulsions of Jews from Europe from
medieval times through the early 1900s, and ultimately to the Holocaust, the genocide of six million Jews.
Click here to read more > >
2022 Huntington Anti-Bias Concert
by Debbie Rimler of Tri CYA
On Aug 20, 2022, the 2nd Annual Huntington Anti-Bias Concert was held in Heckscher Park.
It was produced by Tri CYA, four Huntington Task Forces (Anti-Bias, African American, Hispanic
and Asian American) and the Town of Huntington. Talent from local high schools,
Tri CYA and the community performed for the audience. Statements of support were made by local elected officials
and community leaders.
The Tri Community and Youth Agency (Tri CYA) is a private, not-for-profit community-based
agency dedicated to supporting the growth and development of youth and their families in
the communities of Huntington, South Huntington and Cold Spring Harbor.
For more than 40 years, they have provided a broad range of educational,
recreational, social, cultural, athletic, counseling and advocacy programs.
To see the photo album of the concert, click https://photos.app.goo.gl/EQA3MygsKTjKuAXd9
Sept 17 Huntington Unity Fun Day
by Helen Boxwill
This year we will celebrate Unity Fun Day again on Saturday September 17 at Stimson Middle School. This is a joint community
effort to bring our youth and adults together to enjoy time together, to honor people who have worked for unity in our
community, to celebrate the many organizations, school districts, businesses that help our people thrive.
This event begins at 10 am with a parade from Huntington High School to Stimpson Middle School, marching south on
Oakwood Road. We welcome you to line the streets and encourage our youth and the many wonderful groups that will
participate. Our honored guests and some honorees will be recognized for their invaluable contributions to the
community as well. There will be fun activities for the children, food trucks and vendors for you to enjoy. Many
community groups will be there to provide information and share their great works.
This is always a great day to see our neighbors, make new friends, enjoy family friendly activities, and just have
a wonderful time. For more information, contact Debbie Rimler, at drimler@tricya.org. We hope to see you there.
Click here to read more > >
New HABTF Flyer
by Susan Dewey-Hammer
Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force has a new colorful informational one-page flyer in English on one side and Spanish
on the other. Please help us distribute them around the community. We also have lawn signs with our logo and "Hate
has No Home in Huntington" on it, for you to display in your yard.
If you would like some flyers or a lawn sign, contact Susan Dewey-Hammer at
631-424-5128 or sdeweyhamm@aol.com.
You may also contact Carmen Kasper at 631-351-3304 or antibias@huntingtonny.gov.
Click here to SEE FLYER > >
August HABTF Meeting Summary
by Rabbi Lina Zerbarini
- Meeting was called to order at 1:04 PM.
- Attendance
- Approval of Minutes from June 22, 2002
- Inspector Scrima's Report
5 incidents were reported
- Carmen's Bias Report
No calls or e-mails.
- Huntington Anti-Bias Task Force Changemakers: Unity Awards
Committee -- Betty Ann Schneiderman, Helen, Roxane Recognize and support youth
who stand up against discrimination in any form. Hoping to give 4 $250 mini-grants
to support student projects. Seeking approval from TOH.
- Huntington Anti-Bias Concert -- There was a discussion about the timing of the
concert to involve and engage more high school students - perhaps during the school
year? And a proposal to change the name to something positive.
Click here to read more > >
Huntington HART Bus System
by Carmen Kasper
Did you know the cost to ride the Town’s HART Bus system is only $2.25 and .25 cents to transfer? There are
multiple routes to get around town and the bus will stop, if hailed, at any corner along the route.
The Town of Huntington is the only municipality in Suffolk County that operates and maintains a public transportation
system for the benefit of its residents.
Huntington Area Rapid Transit (HART) is a municipal transit agency that provides public transportation
services within the Town of Huntington. HART operates regularly-scheduled, ADA-accessible Fixed-Route
buses for the general public as well as Paratransit for disabled persons and non-driving senior citizen
residents, who cannot use services offered to the general public.
Click here to read more > >