Welcome to the November issue of the Huntington Anti-Bias Taskforce (HABTF) Newsletter. The HABTF is a non-partisan group formed by the Town of Huntington in conjunction with the Suffolk County Anti-Bias Task Force. It is made up of concerned clergy, community representatives and lay persons who work together to address the issue of intolerance, prejudice, discrimination and racism in any segment of our Town.

We've been meeting monthly since January 2019 and have accomplished quite a lot. Check out some of our projects below. For more information about HABTF, click

If you have any comments or suggestions, e-mail Carmen Kasper, Director of Human Services, at

Click here to read HABTF Sept 2020 Newsletter
Click here to read HABTF June 2020 Newsletter

    2nd Precinct SCPD Report
By Inspector William Scrima

I'm happy to report that there were no significant bias-related incidents in the 2nd Precinct since July.

In response to the COVID pandemic economic impact on the Huntington community, we have partnered with the Town of Huntington and local charity organizations to provide food to those who need assistance. The distributions take place at Manor Field Park as follows:
-- Monday at 4:30 pm
-- Tuesday at 12:00 pm
-- Thursday at 4:30 pm

We are also partnering with Huntington Town and local volunteers to sponsor sporting events for Huntington youth at Manor Field Park as follows:
-- Soccer will be 3:30 - 5:30 pm Wednesdays in October.
-- Basketball will be 3:30 - 6:00 pm Wed and Fri in October.
-- A boxing clinic will be starting in November.
Please contact Police Officer Claudia Delgado at 631-854-8253 for more information.

We will participate in Lunch-with-a-Cop on Wednesday, October 15th hosted by California Pizza Kitchen at the Walt Whitman Mall. Please contact our C.O.P.E. unit at 631-854-8250 for more information.

For more information, please visit the department Website at

    The Race for Excellence has no Finish Line . . .
The Pursuit of Equity has No End
By Ken Bossert Ed.D.

When I began my position as Superintendent of Schools in the Elwood School District in the summer of 2016, I found a great deal of positive initiatives taking place throughout the district. The community had high expectations of the schools and the achievement level of the students reflected the passion for the faculty, staff and parents. There was an outstanding group of educators in place doing fine work in many, many areas.

As this was the case, it stood out to me that despite all of the positive accolades the district had received, the Elwood School District found itself identified by the New York State Education Department as having a disproportionate percentage of African-American males suspended from school and recommended for special education (specifically speech) services. Upon further investigation, it became clear that our faculty/staff did not represent the diversity of the student population. Of equal concern was that those within the faculty representing minority groups did not feel the same level of support, and in some cases respect, that their white counterparts seemed to enjoy. Upon having the opportunity to engage with students, it became clear many of them felt the same way. In short, there were aspects of the culture of Elwood Schools that reflected society (or at least our region) that needed direct and immediate attention. The essential topics of equity, inclusivity and the celebration of diversity would become paramount to all of the work we would do moving forward.

Click here to read more > >

    PSA from Huntington Town Supervisor
By Chad Lupinacci

Hi, I'm Supervisor Chad Lupinacci calling on our residents and businesses to show their pride in Huntington by picking up or requesting a lawn sign or business poster to spread the message that Huntington is a united community and Hate Has No Place in Huntington.

Our Town represents everything America is and should be and that is demonstrated by our great members of law enforcement, the inclusiveness of our diverse community, our cultural attractions, strong small business community, and excellent schools.

Request a free sign by calling Carmen Kasper, Director of Human Services, at 631-351-3304 or e-mailing

    Ambassador Program
By Helen Boxwill

The Ambassador Program is a Suffolk County Anti-Bias Task Force program which would invite high school students from varied school districts in our town to engage in a series of workshops that challenge students to explore the topic of bias, identify resources and strategies to combat bias, and develop tangible projects that will impact their school and/ or community. During the program, open discussion and dialogue are encouraged. The students would interact with students from other districts as well as hear from diverse speakers with a range of lived experiences. This opportunity to learn from others will be shared in their school community. Each group would create a school project to increase the understanding of others and eliminate bias. HABTF hopes to adapt this program to the situation in our high schools today, continuing our goal of educating for a vibrant inclusive society.

    Hate Has No Home in Huntington Lawn Signs
By David Pinkowitz

The HABTF Lawn Sign Project has been a huge success. More that 400 "Hate Has No Home in Huntington" signs have been distributed around town to government facilities, parks, religious institutions, schools, libraries and homes. More tha $4,000 has been donated to fund these signs. Many of the recipients have sent us photos of the lawn signs at their locations. To check out these photos, click photo album.

If you would like a lawn sign, contact Carmen Kasper at

    Parent Leadership Initiative
By Denise Ham

For close to 30 years, Parent Leadership Initiative (P.L.I.) has empowered participants to be agents of change within their communities. Our program was initially conceived to provide parents with the vision and skills necessary to be effective advocates for their children by harnessing their passion, strength and leadership skills. Building on that premise, our mission continues to grow to meet the challenges and needs of our times.

By exploring our own experiences, we begin to develop a greater understanding of how we view others, and learn to work together for a common good. Sessions unpack concepts around more inclusive language, creating a safe space and welcoming community. We identify problems and access needs. This allows for change beginning with oneself, then developing a deeper understanding of the experiences and challenges of others who may initially be seen differently based on their identity. We identify problems and assess needs within the community, aligning the challenges faced with individual and collective strengths.

Click here to read more > >