SCHRC-SCABTF Policing Survey
Dear Friend -

The Suffolk County Human Rights Commission (SCHRC) and the Suffolk County Anti-Bias Task Force (SCABTF) are gathering comments from community members about interactions they have had with Suffolk County Police Officers. These comments are open to everyone living in Suffolk County and will be sent to the Suffolk County Police Reform Task Force (SCPRTF) ( They'll be used to make recommendations to the Suffolk County Legislature for changes in Suffolk County policing.

Please click the link below and fill out and submit the short survey form. You may skip any questions that you do not choose to answer. This survey is completely anonymous and confidential. If you wish to contact SCHRC-SCABTF, please send an email to

To fill out the short survey form in English, click

To fill out the short survey form in Spanish, click

Thank you for making your voice heard. Please send this e-mail to your
friends and associates, so they can be heard too.

Time is short. Jan 8, 2021 is the deadline for submitting this survey.
Many thanks and happy holidays!.

See you soon on Zoom.   David Pinkowitz (Friends of HABTF)

Huntington, NY    
Designed by David C Pinkowitz of DCP Marketing Services LLC