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   HIA-LI Means Business

Computer Technology Committee

Chair:  David Pinkowitz
DCP Marketing Services LLC
E-mail:  dpinkowitz@dcpmarketing.com
Website:  www.dcpmarketing.com

Co-Chair:  John DeMartino
E-mail:  johndem@microsoft.com
Website:  www.microsoft.com

The Computer Technology committee meets at 8:30 AM on the first Wednesday of each month in the HIA office.

The Computer Technology Committee's mission is help its members grow their business by providing a forum for networking and the exchange of technology information; by providing technology education to HIA members; and by assisting HIA with the adoption of technology to improve its operation.


February 6th Meeting Agenda


  (Co-Chairs: David Pinkowitz and John DeMartino)

1.  Business Networking (8:30 AM)
  • Coffee and informal networking
  • Introduce attendees and their businesses
2.  Business Presentation (9:00 AM)
  • Feb 6th: Planning and Recognition
  • Mar 6th: TBD
3.  Subcommittee Reports
  • Programs ()
  • Membership ()
  • Communications ()
4.  Candidate Future Meeting Topics
  • Inspiring Students to Pursue Tech Careers
  • Cloud Computing
  • Windows 8 and the Surface Tablet
  • Managed Computer Services
  • Project Management
5.  Electronic Member Bios for Committee  (David Pinkowitz)
  • Make committee member bios available in a PDF file.
  • Handout PDF at CompTech meeting and post to comptech@hia-li.org

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225 Wireless Blvd. Suite 101, Hauppauge, NY 11788
Tel: (631) 543-5355 · Fax: (631) 543-5380
email: info@hia-li.org · http://www.hia-li.org
©2010 Hauppauge Industrial Association